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Conduct Surveys of Marine Mammals in the Area of ​​Trat Bay, Trat Province

TSFR working team

On April 26th -30th, 2023, Marine and Coastal Resources Research Center, Eastern Gulf of Thailand by a group of rare marine animals surveys of marine mammals were conducted using a boat line transect survey in the area of ​​Trat Bay, Trat Province, with a total survey area of ​​343.5 square kilometers A total of 11 dolphin population surveys have been found.

All dolphin species Orcaella brevirostris, were found the dolphin population was 42 individuals. The number of dolphins per herd was 3-5 individuals most of them were found during 09.00-12.00 hours, behaviour in foraging along the coast close to fishermen's fishing activities, such as oyster plots and crab sinking nets.

A remote health examination found no external abnormalities that could be seen in the dolphin's eyes, swimming and diving were normal, and breathing sounds were clear, Dolphins have a very good overall body rating. The data in this survey will be collected to be used the data for calculating the Irrawaddy dolphin population in the Trat Bay area.

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