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Confident! Thai fisheries are clean and free from IUU fisheries and human trafficking.

The Department of Fisheries is confident! Thai fisheries are clean and free from IUU fisheries and human trafficking.

Under global concerns about ocean quality illegal fishing including the problem of human trafficking Thailand has taken a significant step in the fight against IUU fishing, labor problems and protection of the fishing industry. by participation of all sectors which, if going back in the past decade The problem of IUU fishing has become more serious. They also found oppression of workers on fishing boats. causing the image of the Thai fishing fleet to deteriorate coupled with the lack of measures to control and monitor fishing boats especially offshore fishing. Moreover, the problem of aquatic animal resources has gradually declined due to overfishing. This is due to the lack of strict measures to control and monitor fisheries and before 2015, the legal framework of Thailand's fisheries. Failing to respond to obligations on conservation and management of marine resources, international marine law and international agreements on conservation and management of marine resources.

Deputy Director-General, Department of Fisheries revealed that under the National Fisheries Policy Committee with the Deputy Prime Minister as chairman And the Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives has expedited the implementation of reforms in the Thai fisheries sector by the resolution of the IUU problem, which the Director-General of the Department of Fisheries responded to the policy and continued to drive the matter to make Thailand reform. a legal framework from 2015 to 2018 to address these serious problems. and has transformed Thailand's fishing sector into a prosperous system. Sustainable in fishing and protect the well-being of fishermen until the next generation If no such reform Thailand's fisheries sector may deteriorate rapidly and cause international criticism. Thailand has a mission to solve and deal with the challenges that arise in solving the problem of IUU fishing and forced labor. The Thai government has addressed the problem in various dimensions, including the creation of new legal and policy frameworks. Management of fishing fleets and fishery resources Establishing a system to monitor, and control fisheries cutting-edge enhancements in law enforcement and penalties Improvement of electronic traceability system Prevention of labor problems and expanding proactive international cooperation with various states and relevant international organizations.

In 2019, Thailand was able to solve the problem of illegal fishing very well in all dimensions. Until the European Union has released the yellow card status in IUU fisheries, which has been issued to Thailand since 2015, in recognition of the progress in tackling Thailand's IUU fishing problem. In addition, the Foundation for Environmental Justice (The Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) and international organizations also appreciate Thailand.

committed to its commitments and efforts to tackle illegal fishing in the country It also raised Thailand as a model to other countries within the region as flag states, coastal states, and port states. international to prevent inhibition and eliminating illegal fishing and has also ratified international conventions related to IUU fisheries such as UNCLOS, UNFSA, PSMA, etc., relating to human trafficking and forced labor. For example, ILO C188 was recently ratified within the framework of the New Fisheries Law and International Sea Law. has changed free fishing to controlled fishing under the limitation of issuing fishing licenses The system operates based on a Reference Point or Maximum Sustainable Yield: MSY) and the maximum amount of aquatic animals allowed to fish to prevent overfishing Including various measures to reduce efforts in fishing in Thai waters, the Thai government has allocated a special budget of 110 million US dollars. in action against illegal fishing This budget allows Thai agencies to operate systematically. through the Fisheries Management Plan (FMP) and the National Plan of Action on IUU (NPOA-IUU) at having placed

The Thai government has developed and strengthened a Monitoring, Control, and Surveillance System (MCS) which is related to the control of fishing boats entering and leaving ports. Inspection of fishing boats at the port Inspection of fishing boats at sea aerial surveillance Inspection of workers on fishing boats and remote fishing control by the Fishery Monitoring Center (FMC) using modern databases and information systems 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. by working in the integrated audit work with various relevant agencies for offshore fishing Thailand uses high-performance technology to install an Electronic Recording and Reporting System (ERS), an electronic reporting system in an E-Logbook. drum-rotation sensors to monitor the use of fishing gear Including using VMS and AIS devices to track the coordinates of fishing vessels, using Hatch Sensors to monitor the possession of aquatic animals on fishing boats. These devices can effectively control and monitor the fishing activities of offshore fishing vessels and the transhipment activities of the transhipment vessels. more than this to prevent fishing transhipment and labor on illegal fishing boats Offshore fishing vessels must also have observers on board to monitor fishing behaviour and the well-being of their crew.

As one of the world's largest seafood processors and exporters, The country has installed a traceability system covering the entire production chain. including transportation under audit and risk-based management that complies with international standards to prevent aquatic animals obtained from illegal fishing from entering the system Thailand has created a new future for the fishing and seafood industry. through reforms at the foundation level and in various parts Nowadays, Thai fishery products are safer. more legal Sustainable Social and environmental friendliness and not illegal Products of Thailand can be traced back through the system. e-traceability throughout the production chain From the sea to the dining table In addition to sanitation control from farm level to processing plant and export All fishery products for export must be inspected and certified by the Department of Fisheries. not from illegal fishing There will be strict prevention of illegal aquatic animals entering the system within the Thai fisheries development policy to be free from IUU fishing or IUU-Free Policy of the government.

The Thai government recognizes the importance of building cooperation between flag states, port states, coastal states, and RFMOs in the exchange of information on fishing activities of suspected or illegal fishing vessels. Thailand expands cooperation on combating illegal fishing with ASEAN member countries. by establishing the ASEAN Network for Combating IUU Fishing (AN-IUU) AN-IUU It aims to promote cooperation among ASEAN Member States in the fight and action against fishing vessels engaged in illegal fishing in the region. Ongoing collaboration with key organizations such as EJF OceanMind, Seafood Task Force, as well as related RFMOs such as IOTC and SIOFA. to combat illegal fishing To ensure that Thai offshore fishing and transshipment vessels comply with international regulations and international management and conservation measures.

In order to solve the problem of human trafficking and labor force, the fishery industry should be strengthened Thailand's holmium remains a national warning and has been pushed to the third group since 2015. In the list of countries, you have to look at human trafficking on 2014, on 2018, in group two, in group two. three years. The Thai government will continue to work hard to solve this problem by adopting a strong policy to prosecute criminals. The victims of the crime of trafficking in human beings are safe and protected. In addition, measures to protect vulnerable groups from natural enemies. Thailand attaches importance to the prevention and elimination of illegal labor in fisheries and marine industries All migrant workers in fishery law We have revised the laws and policies to protect the rights of workers and immigration management. Establish monitoring systems to ensure the health and good working environment of the labor and workers in the fisheries and marine industries. In addition, Thailand has taken three measures to solve the domestic labor problem. Thailand also charges law enforcement officials Monitoring of crime in all sectors of the fishery production chain, from dock to dock. The establishment of the professional team. This is represented by government and non-governmental organizations, working effectively for migrant workers in Thailand. Some 110 and 000 people have legally worked in Thailand, and from 2018 August, 25% of the current migrant workers Working in seafood and fisheries Measures to enter or receive proof of nationality through legal channels

Thailand is the 14th member of the ILO and the first country in Asia to ratify the 2007 Work in Fisheries Convention No. 188 or C188 in January 2019. C188 is now in effect in Thailand. And the Thai government has announced the Fisheries Labor Protection Act of 2019, consistent with C188, which enhances labor protection efficiency and prevents forced labor in the fishing sector. Major advances in the fight against human trafficking and other forms of forced labor include: (1) increasing the identification of victims of human trafficking.

(2) prosecuting and imposing severe penalties on victims.

(3) to develop a manual with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to establish standards for training/policy on anti-human trafficking, and

(4) labor inspections with A multidisciplinary team to help isolate and isolate victims of labor trafficking.

As for child labor and the worst forms of labor, in 2019, Thailand increased its labor audit budget by 47% from 2017 by increasing the number of labor inspectors (394 people) and interpreters (22 people). It also increases risk audits within the workplace. more than this We have also increased access to education for the children of migrant workers. as well as providing training on the worst forms of child labor for labor volunteers.

The results show a decreasing trend in human trafficking cases in Thailand since 2017. Cooperation between government agencies and the private sector. including NGOs with more strength as well as the capacity of law enforcement officers to increase This leads to increased efficiency in human trafficking prosecutions at every stage. In 2019, 36.6% of offenders received severe penalties. imprisonment for 10 years or more than 10 years, resulting in an even greater deterrent effect. Under the operation of the Port in – Port out Control Center: PIPOs) Crews on fishing vessels must be inspected by a multidisciplinary team both before fishing and returning to shore after fishing. The Department of Fisheries has established a marine fisheries prevention and suppression center. to coordinate inspections of fishing vessels at sea with local officials from relevant agencies participating in the operation. The standard ratio of labor inspectors according to the ILO guidelines is 1 person per 15,000 workers. In 2019, there were 1,889 labor inspectors in Thailand.

At present, the Thai government has continued to implement concrete and continuous policies against IUU fishing and human trafficking. It aims to elevate Thailand's anti-trafficking to Tier 1 level in the future, including freeing from IUU fishing and freeing aquatic animals and aquatic products from IUU fishing into the production chain. However, Thailand is willing to cooperate with the private fisheries sector, states and international organizations. To maintain the occupation and fishing industry of Thailand to be sustainable and meet international standards forever.

Information from : Public relations and communication group

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 Thai Sustainable Fisheries Roundtable


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