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Department of Marine and Coastal Resources Attended the COBSEA Meeting in Hanoi

On October 12th, 2022, the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources, with the Deputy Director-General as the head of the Thai delegation lead management of the Marine Resources Conservation Division and Marine and Coastal Resources experts attended the meeting 25th Intergovernmental Meeting of the Coordinating Body on the Sea of ​​East Asia (COBSEA) part 2 in Hanoi, Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The relevant departments include the Pollution Control Department Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning and the Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, join an online meeting there are 9 East Asian Sea member countries and partner organizations that support the work of COBSEA.

The meeting consisted of Presenting the progress of COBSEA under the 8-Year Strategic Framework (2018-2022), the establishment of a new Strategic Framework and Action Plan (2023-2027), which includes the Marine Waste Management Programme and a framework to prepare and provide information in the negotiation framework of the Intergovernmental Panel for Negotiating an International Agreement on Resolutions to End Plastic Pollution including guidelines for establishing the Regional Node of the Global Partnership on Marine Litter under the scope of COBSEA and managing marine areas for conservation and sustainable use these programs will strengthen regional strength and support of technical knowledge and budget for project implementation under the COBSEA framework.

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