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Inspect IUU fishing boats at Phetchaburi Sea

TSFR working team

On September 8th, 2022, the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources by the Office of Marine and Coastal Resources No.3 (Phetchaburi) led Marine and Coastal Resources boat No.201 to carry out preventive and suppressive operations in support of the Illegal Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IUU) in the area. Phetchaburi Sea A total of 4 fishing vessels were inspected, namely pair trawl vessels and Otter board trawl vessels. The results showed that all vessels had complete documentation of the vessel's licenses and crew members, and no offenses were found in the area. legal fishing Waste sorting on fishing vessels and bringing the trash back to the shore.

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 Thai Sustainable Fisheries Roundtable


            : 43 Thai CC Tower, 17th Floor, Room 170  Sathon Rd,  Khwaeng Yan Nawa, Khet Sathon, Bangkok 10120,  Thailand




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