On Tuesday, 30th November, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. at the Department of Fisheries, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Fisheries along with executives and officials of the Department of Fisheries Attended the meeting of the Subcommittee on Solving Illegal Fishing No. 1/2021.
The Chief of Staff of the Navy/Secretary General of the Thai Maritime Enforcement Command Center was the chairman of the meeting via video conference system with relevant agencies, To consider operations and supervise them in accordance with policies, strategies and goals in solving illegal fishing problems and labor in the fishing sector continuously and effectively, such as monitoring progress in resolving the impacts of fisheries on marine mammals, Review of National Action Plan for Marine Mammal Conservation and Management 2023-2027, Review of Urgent Projects for Marine Mammal Conservation and Management and other issues related.
Information from : Dissemination and Public Relations Group, Department of Fisheries