The deputy director-general of the Department of Fisheries revealed that the coastal sea zones according to the Fisheries Royal Decree 2015 were originally defined in two forms: 1) the coastal sea area from three nautical miles from the coastline and 2) the coastal sea area as prescribed by the Ministerial Regulation. Specifically, there is a distance specified by the Ministerial Regulation to determine the coastal sea area to be less than or more than three nautical miles from the coastline. There are 9 provinces, namely Krabi, Chonburi, Trang, Trat, Phang Nga, Phuket, Ranong, Satun and Surat Thani.

But from the past law enforcement we found that there are still some coastal zones with concave curves causing unclearness of the fishing area As a result, fishermen have suffered. There is a conflict between local fisheries and commercial fisheries, due to accidental fishing in the coastal seas and lack of participation in real zoning in order to fix the problem The Department of Fisheries has therefore improved the Ministerial Regulations defining coastal sea zones by cancelling all original editions and will issue a ministerial regulation defining a new coastal sea area Specify the coastal demarcation line for each province in all 23 coastal provinces, in order to be appropriate and consistent with the actual conditions of each province.
Information from : http://coastalradar.gistda.or.th/wp/?page=news-detail&id=28505 ,