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Report on the Performance of Efficiency Measures, Investigate and Prosecute Offending Vessels by FMC

TSFR working team

On Friday, November 4th, 2022, at the Department of Fisheries, the Deputy Director-General of the Department of Fisheries Chaired the meeting to discuss reporting on the performance of measures to increase target reporting, inspect and prosecute suspected vessels, the Fisheries Monitoring Operations Center (FMC) together with the Director of the Division and relevant officials from the responsible agencies.

Such as the Legal Division, Resource Management, and Measures Division, Fisheries Inspectorate Division, Fishing Vessels Inspection Division Aquatic Products and Inputs, and the Fishing Vessels and Fisheries Management Division to consider a report on the performance of the measures following the operational procedures of the enhancement measures to supervise and increase efficiency in the operations of relevant agencies achieve the results as set for the maximum benefit in the management and management of fisheries resources.

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 Thai Sustainable Fisheries Roundtable


            : 43 Thai CC Tower, 17th Floor, Room 170  Sathon Rd,  Khwaeng Yan Nawa, Khet Sathon, Bangkok 10120,  Thailand




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