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Researchers from the DoF Successfully Injected a Hormone to Stimulate Spawning of Mackerel fish

TSFR working team

Researchers from the Department of Fisheries show the world's first successful injection of hormones to stimulate the spawning of Mackerel fish!!

"Stimulate the spawning of mackerel, do not have to wait for the spawning season once a year" The Department of Fisheries, together with the Institute of Asian Studies Chulalongkorn University moves forward with the Thai Double Mackerel Project Gather breeders to cultivate in a closed system and build a circulating water system adjust the raisin conditions to suit the marine ecosystem ready to inject mackerel breeder hormones to stimulate the world's first successful spawning revealed that hormone injections can control the ovulation cycle of mackerel more, found a good sign Mackerel lays up to 30,000 eggs, hoping to help replace the amount of natural mackerel catch in parallel with the conservation of mackerel back to the Thai seas.

“Mackerel fish” is an economically important aquatic animal that has been popular for Thai people's consumption for a long time. Currently, the natural resources of mackerel production have been reduced in number. The main factor is the technological development of the industrial sector and the development of fishing tools for higher catching efficiency. The Department of Fisheries is aware of this problem and therefore cooperates with both commercial and local fishermen in order to find measures to control fisheries in order to there is an increasing number of mackerel fish in the Gulf of Thailand, especially the Gulf closure measures and breeding to help replace the overfishing of mackerel fish that exceed the natural production capacity.

The Director-General of the Department of Fisheries revealed that the Department of Fisheries has researched mackerel propagation to reduce the use of resources from natural sources until it was able to breed successfully in 2011. However, because mackerel is a fish that is vulnerable and fragile, it is a matter of It is difficult to bring up from the sea to cultivate it without injury or death.

Throughout the past, the Department of Fisheries has gathered information on biology, spawning seasons, and habitat characteristics come to study and research for academic benefit and apply in mackerel production both for conservation and commercial aquaculture, such as developing breeder breeding techniques with quality feeding and using water systems circulating Techniques for transporting breeders from nature Nursery of offspring to increase the survival rate.

The Director-General said at the end that This is the world's first success in the trial of mackerel spawning hormone injections in the past that let the mackerel breeders mix naturally which is the hope of breeding mackerel fish for conservation to be released into the sea or further promotion of commercial mackerel farming and in addition to measures that help "take care" of mackerel resources through fisheries, we can easily contribute to the conservation of mackerel resources by not consuming fish with eggs or small fish, allowing them to grow for food over time. Appropriate and with better economic value if we all help each other The Department of Fisheries believes that the sea fishery resources will define return fertility again.

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 Thai Sustainable Fisheries Roundtable


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