By the Boat Survey method, the survey was conducted using line transect and photo identification preliminary results found 2 species of dolphins:
1.Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin, Sousa chinensis, approximately 18 individuals, living together in a group of 3-5 individuals per group, consisting of 4 mother-child pairs.
2.Irrawaddy dolphin, Orcaella brevirostris, 10-20 individuals, in groups of 5-10 individuals, 2 herds from health examination was found that both types of dolphins were in perfect condition respiration rate is between 6-10 times/5 minutes physical fitness is good. (body condition score 3-4/5)
Swimming, diving, looking for food, grouping, and social behaviors were found rake marks, were found on the bodies of the dolphins, which are caused by group behavior, and found 2 dolphins with small wounds and dead tissue, which is not harmful to dolphins from the survey data and photographs obtained from this survey, it will be used to assess the population of rare marine animals and to plan further surveys of dolphin habitats.
Information from : Department of Marine and Coastal Resources