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  • TSFR working team

The DMCR Surveys Rare Marine animals in the Trat Bay area, Trat Province

On December 11-14, 2023, staff of the Eastern Gulf of Thailand Marine and Coastal Resources Research Center surveyed rare marine animals in the area of ​​Trat Bay, Trat Province, using 20-line transect methods, the total survey area is 252 square kilometers from 13 surveys of the dolphin population the number was counted at 41 all were Irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris), 3-8 per group.

Has the behavior of searching for food along the coast near the oyster beds, along the line for setting up crab nets and floating fish nets, visual inspection of external health from a distance found no abnormalities swimming and diving are normal, breathing sounds are normal and clear has an overall body score that is very good

The information obtained from the survey will serve as a database for calculating the population of Irrawaddy dolphins in the Trat Bay area. In addition, interviews with fishermen in the area found that most of the dolphins were found while retrieving fishing gear. The type of fishing gear used does not affect the dolphins in that area.

Officials have publicized basic guidelines for saving rare marine animals to expand the conservation network to cover the coastal area of ​​Trat Province as well.

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 Thai Sustainable Fisheries Roundtable


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