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Training on “Operation of Vessels In and Out Control Center Officers” (PIPO)

TSFR working team

On 16th December, 2021 at 8:30 a.m. at Ebina House Hotel, Bangkok. Deputy Prime Minister as the chairman of the National Fisheries Policy Committee Honored to preside over the opening ceremony of the training course “Optimizing the Performance of Vessels Control Center Officers” (PIPO) during 15th – 17th December 2021, aiming to develop intense knowledge, techniques and skills for to the multidisciplinary set to inspect fishing Vessels, fishermen and fisheries operations It represents Thailand's intent to prevent IUU fishing and human trafficking in the fisheries sector.

The Deputy Director-General of the Department of Fisheries revealed that after Thailand's serious and rigorous action to solve the problem of illegal fishing as a result, The European Commission announced the release of the yellow card for Thailand on 8th January, 2019 until the present. Thailand continues to maintain strict and continual operating standards. which the government of the Deputy Prime Minister as the chairman of the National Fisheries Policy Committee has focused on solving the problem of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU Fishing) fishing and emphasized that the Department of Fisheries Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Relevant agencies look for ways to take action to protect, supervise and prevent workers on Thai fishing vessels, both Thai workers and foreign workers Victim of human trafficking.

In this regard, the Subcommittee on Reviewing and Monitoring the Enforcement of Laws Relating to Fisheries Problems and Labor in the Fisheries Sector led by the chairman of the subcommittee therefore driven the implementation of various measures concretely In parallel with the development of relevant personnel to have knowledge, understanding and skills to work effectively to provide operational control, supervision and management of IUU-free fishing and human trafficking.

For training “Increase the efficiency of operations of officers of the Incoming and Outgoing Control Center (PIPO)” during 15th – 17th December 2021, this time, the Department of Fisheries has organized training to increase operational efficiency for the regular multi-disciplinary team. Vessels In and Out Control Center of 100 people by developing knowledge, techniques and skills in working according to rules, regulations, announcements and other rules and procedures. that the law has provided there are training topics on the differences between human trafficking and forced labor cases. The PIPO Center's guidelines for improving and improving operations include the investigation and prevention of illegal fishing, investigations, investigations, and observation of victims of forced labor and human trafficking. Guidelines for interviewing crews of fishing vessels at risk of illegal activities both in the notification process or reporting incidents from the Fisheries Monitoring and Surveillance Unit, etc. so that fishing vessels can be inspected covering all three aspects, namely fishing vessels fishermen and fisheries operations which will result in the achievement of working properly.

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 Thai Sustainable Fisheries Roundtable


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