On 14th May, 2021, the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources. By the Research Center of the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources Upper Gulf of Thailand, west coast Explore rare and endangered marine animals around the western upper Gulf of Thailand Found 3 rare marine animals.
1. Bryde's Whale (Balaenoptera edeni) : found 4 on the coast. Samut Sakhon Province, a distance of 12-20 km, is a mother-daughter pair, 2 pairs and 1 single from the identity verification (Photo ID) and also received notification from a fishing boat in the area where Bruda whales were found to feed outside, coast Phetchaburi and Samut Prakan Province as well.
2. Finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides) : 2 were found on the coast, Samut Sakhon Province And Bangkok, the distance is 17 km.
3. Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris) : Found about 30 in the mouth of the Tha Chin River Samut SakhonProvince, a distance of 4-6 km.

The veterinarian has examined the health of 3 Bruda whales with normal respiratory rate and breathing quality The mother had a low body condition score because she was breastfeeding and found tattoo skin disease (TSD) lesions on the skin, while both babies were in good health, No lesions were found on the skin.
Reference: Department of Marine and Coastal Resources.