Eight private-sector fishery bodies announced cooperation with the government in adopting the international standards for fisheries in the Gulf of Thailand to ensure maximum sustainability.
Department of Fisheries, Oct 12, 2016 – The Thai Sustainable Fisheries Roundtable (TSFR) has initiated a project called “Fishery Improvement Program” (FIP) for the Gulf of Thailand, which will implement the international standards that are accepted worldwide. The project’s main focus is to improve the efficiency of Thai fisheries management and governance, together with environmental responsibility and transparent traceability of fishery products throughout the supply chain.
Mr. Pornsil Patchrintanakul, President of Thai Feed Mill Association stated that the Fishery Improvement Program (FIP) is a collaboration between the government and the private sectors involved in the fisheries, more specifically the eight private-sector fishery bodies, who founded TSFR. Those associations include National Fisheries Association of Thailand, Thai Overseas Fisheries Association, Thai Fishmeal Producers Association, Thai Feed Mill Association Thai Frozen Food Association, Thai Shrimp Association, Thai Tuna Industry Association, and Thai Food Processors’ Association.
Today, we would like to announce our strong intention to support and develop fishery improvement program (FIP) in the Gulf of Thailand area, subsequent to the success in developing FIP in the Andaman Sea with WWF Thailand since 2014.
The main goals for the FIP in the Gulf of Thailand are to ensure that :
1. Fisheries products must come from responsible fisheries sources and can be traceable throughout the supply chain.
2. Supply chain must be transparent. Related information shall be clearly communicated among international buyers and all stakeholders.
3. The implementation of effective fisheries management that prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing and overfishing as well as the protection of wider marine ecosystem.
4. The development of credible monitoring and traceability system that reduces IUU fishing and protects those that respect the rules.
“Development of FIP in the Gulf of Thailand is a proof of a true intention of the government’s and related fishing products industry’s effort to create a sustainable fishery for the business, taking into account the problems of IUU fishing and overfishing that result in a decline of fish stock at the present,” Mr. Pornsil said.
Mr. Pornsil added that this will be the World’s First Project that applies the latest version of IFFO Responsible Supply Standard, which is an internationally accepted standard designed specifically for responsible fisheries according to FAO requirements. More importantly, the IFFO Responsible Supply Standard is the most suitable for the marine fisheries resource management in Thailand since Thai Sea is filled with multi-species fish. This FIP will ensure the effective management of marine resources for the development of fisheries for maximum sustainability.
Besides a collaboration within TSFR in bringing an internationally accepted standard to the project, FIP in the Gulf of Thailand also partners with Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP), a global nonprofit organization that focusing on promoting sustainable fisheries, who will act as a project advisor.
"Sustainable Fisheries Partnership welcomes the launch of the Gulf of Thailand Fishery Improvement Project and applauds the hard work of all the participants. SFP will offer support to the project through participation in the steering committee and providing expert advice, training and quality assurance that will support progress towards a successful outcome. SFP will also help communicate the achievements of the project to stakeholders in the seafood industry and other audiences. The launch of this fishery improvement project is an important landmark in the journey to responsibly managed fisheries and meeting the needs of international seafood supply chains", SFP said.
Additionally, TSFR has invited Mr.Duncan Leadbitter, the Director of Fish Matter Ltd from Australia, to be a project manager for this FIP, to give guidance on the best practices to help them achieve the goals. Mr.Duncan is a fishery expert, who has more than 20 years’ experience in fisheries management in the Pacific Ocean and South East Asia Sea.