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Progress meeting with MarinTrust for Mulit-Species Re-assessment report update and developing FAP

TSFR working team

On February 07th 2022, 15.00-17.00 PM, VDO Conference by True Vroom, TSFR fishery expert, fishery professor and working team had a progress meeting with MarinTrust fishery consultant, Mr. Derek Staples and Nicola Clark, MarinTrust Impact Manager. The objective of the meeting is to discuss for the Mulit-Species reassessment report update and guideline for developing Fishery Action Plan. At the beginning of the meeting, Nicola has informed the meeting that Trawl Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) in the Gulf of Thailand has officially been accepted into MarinTrust Improver Program (IP) for Multispecies Pilot Project since October 21 and currently, there are 2 fishmeal manufacturers have been approved by MarinTrust and 1 fishmeal manufacturer is on the process of approval.

For re-assessment report, overall the report is well prepared. However, further guidance is provided for the completeness of the report such as the definition of Unit of Application (UoA) which includes fishing area on the Gulf of Thailand. Gear type of trawl (Pair Trawl, Otter board trawls and Beam trawls), Mixed Species, Fishing vessel specifically for commercial type. The Appropriate, methodology for High-risk species criteria is Productivity-Susceptibility Analysis (PSA) and the explanation of new criteria for the reduction component is design to check and make sure that the raw material that deliver to the fishmeal factory will not include Juvenile fish.

For Fishery Action Plan (FAP), MarinTrust has provided the guideline for developing the FAP that the format should identify clearly on assessment criteria, GAP referring from reassessment, action plan, responsible unit, timeline and budget. MarinTrust expect the Re-assessment revise and Fishery Action Plan by Q1 of 2022. Then, the next process will be proceeding on third party peer review and reply the feedback to TSFR for further proceeding.

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 Thai Sustainable Fisheries Roundtable


            : 43 Thai CC Tower, 17th Floor, Room 170  Sathon Rd,  Khwaeng Yan Nawa, Khet Sathon, Bangkok 10120,  Thailand




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