On Thursday 16th March 2023 from 13:30 P.M. -15:00 P.M. at the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources, Government Building, a TSFR working group comprising the presidents and representatives from 8 associations met with the Director-General of the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources to report on the progress of the Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) and discuss the implementation of the Fishery Action Plan (FAP) activities related to Endangered, Threatened, and Protected species (ETP Species).
On the day of the meeting, the Director-General of the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources appointed the Director of the Marine and Coastal Resources Research Institute to discuss and clarify information on Endangered, Threatened, and Protected species (ETP Species). The Working Group discussed the issue of requesting information on the rescue of ETP Species both from beached and reporting of these species, and invite the DMCR to participate in the Fishery Action Plan (FAP) implementation activities, such as organizing a practical training meeting operations rescuing marine animals with stakeholders and the Department of Fisheries that plan to continue in the future.
The Department of Marine and Coastal Resources was pleased to provide the information requested by the working group and was willing to participate in activities according to the development plan. There is an opinion that it is a project that benefits both resource management and is important at the national level, as well as jointly preserving marine habitats for ETP Species, supporting the successful and sustainable implementation of the Fishery Action Plan (FAP) activities of the private sector throughout the supply chain.
Marine and Coastal Resources Research & Development Institute News :