On Monday, August 21th, 2023, the TSFR working group and the Department of Fisheries met with The National Fisheries Association of Thailand to discuss preparation for a Workshop to review and plan for Endangered, Threatened, and Protected (ETP species) recording and trawl interaction meeting according to the management action plan Fisheries Trawl Gulf of Thailand (FAP).

In the action plan, the FAP identified activities to prioritize the sighting and rescue of Endangered, Threatened, and Protected species (ETPs). The TSFR, the Department of Fisheries, and the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources included researchers to organize an activity meeting on the topic of ETPs with trawl fishermen as a guideline for preparing a rescue manual and the correct treatment of ETPs during fisheries.
Conclusions from the meeting:
• The meeting agreed to organize the workshop.
• The event management venue has an opinion to use the meeting room of the association in Samut Songkhram Province.
• The plan for the conference date discussed will be held during September.
• Participants will invite 50 representatives of all three types of trawl fishermen from Samut Songkhram, Samut Sakhon, and Samut Prakan.
• The meeting assigned the working group to contact Mr.Chinchai Satirayakorn to coordinate.
Support Information : https://www4.fisheries.go.th/local/index.php/main/view_activities/1414/190868