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TSFR Attended The Annual Academic Conference "How to do? to Achieve Sustainable Consumption Goals"

TSFR working team

Updated: Nov 22, 2023

On Tuesday, 21st November 2023, at the Department of Climate Change and Environment (DCCE) conference room, Representatives of the TSFR convened at the 2023 annual academic meeting, hosted at the DCCE conference room. The meeting focused on crucial discussions surrounding Agriculture and the food sector's pivotal role in achieving sustainable consumption goals.

During the event, Mr. Vorapong Iamtrakul, the Project Manager of The Gulf of Thailand Mixed-Trawl Fishery project, took the stage to shed light on the project's pivotal aspects. He delved into the project's genesis, highlighting its significance and the collaborative efforts between associated organizations and supportive governmental bodies. The primary focus was on cultivating responsible and sustainable fishing practices for Gulf of Thailand trawlers, specifically dealing with the distinctive challenge of managing multispecies fish, a unique characteristic within tropical fisheries in Thailand.

Notably, Mr. Iamtrakul addressed the challenges encountered during the project's development, underscoring the factors contributing to its continuous progress.

These challenges encompassed:

- Cost and Budget: Managing financial resources posed a significant hurdle but need to consider as a long-term investment.

- Sectoral Cooperation: Securing unified support from both public and private sectors proved essential for project success.

In addition, the seafood sector grapples with challenges concerning workforce and expenses due to the overlapping nature of multiple Standard Certifications, all striving to validate product sustainability and supply chain integrity. Efforts are underway within Thai Government bodies to establish localized standards tailored to the Thai seafood supply chain. The pivotal focus lies in achieving acceptance and credibility among buyers and end consumers.

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 Thai Sustainable Fisheries Roundtable


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